My name is Joy Jeanette. I have always loved music. Growing up I was raised on a church farm community, and home schooled. I was only allowed to watch movies older than 1960. During this time I would watch old musicals and learn the lyrics then change them as I saw fit. Eventually I starting writing my own melodies and lyrics. My mom found out I could sing too when she caught me imitating my mom’s favorite artist Mahalia Jackson’s song “Troubles of the World”. This was the start of my music career as I was then regularly asked to perform at various events. My music dreams got put on hold as an adult when I got involved in an abusive relationship at a very young age only to be thrown in prison for two years when I fought back. I was granted the blessed fortune of getting out of prison early after winning a Battered Woman’s Clemency from the governor granting commutation of sentence. Recently I was granted a full expungement of my record and although no one would ever find out without my telling them I now want to share my story with the world through success in music to inspire and encourage.


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